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What is Options Trading in the Indian Stock Market?

What Is Options Trading?

In Options trading, the buyer of the option invests a certain amount of money straight with a view to cash in on the investment at a later period until when he can wait and watch the performance of the underlying asset and choose whether to exercise the option or let it expire by letting go of the money invested primarily.

The scope of earning profits from options trading comes as a package with a "silent killer" for the option buyer, the decaying time value of the option. This is represented by the 'theta', time decay of an option indicates the lessening in value as it is close to its expiration period.

What Is The Significance Of Time Value In Options Trading?

Money's time value can be defined as "the idea that money available at present is worth more than the same amount in the future due to its latent earning capacity." In other words, money in hand today is measured much more valuable than money in hand in the future, as the same can be invested now to get more significant returns in the future.

What Is Analysis Of Trends?

In Option trading, for a buyer, the technical analysis of stock price changes and movement trends is imperative to decide the time for which an option should be held and the right time to exercise the option. This is based on the actuality that at what point the option's intrinsic value will be the maximum.

The time decay rate is higher for options nearing expiration period, and options with a long expiration period are more often than not purchased to minimize the theta factor of the option.

Even though trading in options is not only about valuing the time decay and evaluating its collision on the options, however, there are several other risk factors and pricing dimensions, such as Delta, Gamma, Vega, etc., which have to be premeditated closely for making effective option trading decisions.

Understanding and studying the time value of money is the right way to start decision-making while settling on trade-in options. Intraday Stock analysis is provided by expert analysts, which can be helpful, and the analysis of time value impact on options by using the various tools available to help online trading of options.

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