Knowledge Center Fundamental Analysis
Trends are the root cause of the profit and loss while trading in a particular stock. The rise and fall of the prices, along with the duration of the share market, determines the profit and loss. Let us look into the factors that form the market trends.
The government has a significant role in determining market trends. Reduction of unemployment and price stability can be expected when the government's expenditures rise. This is known as the fiscal policy and includes equity shares. The country's growth is based on interest rates.
A significant factor affects a country's economy. The currency becomes weaker when more money leaves the country. A strong economy is considered when countries export items. This is a significant contribution to the growth of the company.
Government, businessmen, politicians, and economists develop different strategies and analyses of the country's economy. An optimistic growth is expected when speculation is made healthily.
The sentiment indicator is an essential factor where public opinion is measured.
Hence, prospects and speculation are collectively considered to forecast future market rates on the National stock exchange.
The individual offers made by investors and traders help form the marketing trends. When investment is made based on marketing information based on government activities and policies, a contribution to shaping market trends occurs. Even if wrong predictions are made, the financial market trends are still being shaped. Once a market trend has been established, it takes time for the trend to diminish.
Maintaining a good relationship between supply and demand is essential to steady economic growth. Whether it is a product, investment, or currency, the demand and supply for it can change the course of development. When there is a low supply, prices rise, and demand increases. On the other hand, where there is a high supply, prices fall and can cause a negative effect. This is why a healthy balance must occur.