Olectra Greentech
₹ 0.00
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With a market cap of ₹18.90L Cr.
Olectra Greentech Limited (Formerly known as Goldstone Infratech Limited) is a Public Limited Company incorporated in India, having its registered office at Hyderabad, India. It was founded in 1992 in Hyderabad with major interests in Electric Buses, Composite Insulators, Amorphous core-distribution transformers, Data Analysis and IT consulting.
The company name has been changed from Goldstone Teleservices Limited to Goldstone Infratech limited in February 2008. Later on the company changed its name to “Olectra Greentech Limited” from “Goldstone Infratech Limited” effective from July 06, 2018, after obtaining the approval of Shareholders by way of passing of Special Resolution, through postal ballot.
The company is currently traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the National Stock Exchange (NSE). It is an ISO-9001:2008 certified company and its R & D Center is recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India.
Business area of the company
The company is primarily engaged in the manufacturing of composite polymer insulators and electrical buses. It is a market leader through creative technologies and commitment to excellence. It is the largest manufacturer and suppliers of Composite Insulators in India. Composite Insulators are well used across the globe as a significant technology breakthrough.