GTL Infrastructure
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With a market cap of ₹18.90L Cr.
Incorporated in 2004, GTL Infrastructure is the pioneer in Shared Telecom Infrastructure in India. It offers ready to use passive infrastructure to wireless telecom operators.
The company, a part of the Global group, is registered with the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) as an Infrastructure Provider in Category I (IP-I). The company builds, owns, operates and maintains passive network infrastructure on a shared basis in order to cater to the rapidly growing infrastructure needs of cellular telecom operators.
It is in the midst of rolling out a Pan India network of 23,700 towers by 2010/11, and is offering the infrastructure to the leading service providers in India. The publicly listed company has emerged as the largest independent tower company in India.
By outsourcing their infrastructure requirements to GTL infra, operators are able to save on capex and opex. Passive infrastructure sharing will also allow operators to defer their tower-related capex investments into opex lease rental payments over an extended period of time.
Availability of ready infrastructure from GTL Infra enables the operators to reduce their time to market.
By outsourcing their infrastructure requirements to GTL Infra, operators are able to focus on their core activities of providing quality service, brand building and customer relationship.
GTL Infra serves as a single window one-stop-shop provider of infrastructure and services to telecom operators by undertaking the full range of responsibilities in building and maintaining the sites. Its expertise lies in providing robust passive infrastructure solutions to telecom service providers thus adding value to their service by optimizing cost structure and enhancing reach.
The company offers world-class passive telecom infrastructure and adds maximum value to the service providers. As the true pioneer in the field, it has deep knowledge of the operators’ needs, aspirations and dynamics of the market. It provides two kinds of solutions:
The company acquired Network Infrastructure assets of GTL consisting of network operating centre and associated equipment and applications for a cash consideration of Rs 214.59 crore in 2006-07.
Future Plan:
GTL Infrastructure which currently has 7,364 towers in 19 circles is aiming to erect 23,700 towers across India across all 22 telecom circles.