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Regional Trade Arrangements are Evolving, and It Is Important to Know Why.

What are Regional Trade Agreements

Regional Trade Agreements

Regional Trade Agreements are treaties or agreements signed between two or more countries. The treaty defines the rules under which all the signatory countries will conduct trade with each other. Regional Trade Agreement treaties aim to enable the easy trade of goods and services amongst member nations. Usually, trade between countries involves the imposition of import-export tariffs, quotas, sanctions, etc. The RTAs work towards reducing and eliminating trade blocks.

Trade is crucial for any country’s economy. Goods and services produced in one country meet the demand in other countries. Trade opens new markets for producers and helps the local economy. RTAs help provide new markets and open borders to all members beyond political issues. The RTAs play an essential role in enhancing economic growth among the member nations.

Types of Trade Agreements

Different trade agreements depend upon terms and understanding amongst participating governments.

Free Trade Agreements: Under Free Trade Agreement (PFA), there is free exchange and movement of goods and services without any trade barriers, tariffs, or blocks. But the members may have different trade rules for external countries, depending upon their policies.

Preferential Trade Agreements: Preferential Trade Agreements (PFA) aims to reduce some of the trade blocks among members though some barriers or quota exist between them individually. The level of cooperation and agreement is limited in PFA. Still, it opens doors to trade previously closed. There are no common barriers for external countries.

Customs Union: Under this, the members do away with trade barriers among members and have common barriers for non-members. They try to eliminate external members taking advantage and conduct indirect trade using members to save tariffs.

Common Market: In this agreement, members eliminate trade barriers and allow the exchange of labour and capital to boost production and trade.

Economic Union: In this agreement, members agree to remove all trade barriers, have a single currency, allow free import and export, share resources and have uniform economic policies. They also have common trade barriers for external countries. 

Evolution of Regional Trade Agreements

Evolution of Regional Trade Agreements

  • Fifty percent of all global trade is conducted under Regional trade agreements (RTA). The RTAs work parallel to the multilateral trade agreements governed by the WTO. In today’s world, more and more countries recognize the benefits of regional trade ties. The majority of countries aim at stronger ties, more open terms, lower barriers, and better cooperation to encourage overall economic prospects.

  • The strong regional agreements only highlight the need for open trade, and cooperation required more than what previous multilateral agreements provide. 

  • RTAs are moving a step ahead of multilateral agreements and are willing to add members who aspire for better terms for all. Today countries look forward to multilateral and regional associations. RTAs are expanding the inclusion of regional and multilateral policies in current global trade.

  • Other than removing barriers, RTAs want to address the movement of funds, manpower, competitive skills, online trade, and e-commerce. They focus on new challenges like corruption, copyright infringements, Intellectual property rights, and advanced technology adoption in the modern connected world. There is a need to expand the RTAs agenda with new members, markets, and terms that cater to a global and tech-enabled world. Economic prosperity and political stability are interdependent, and in the future, multilateral and regional trade ties will play a key role in the global economy.

Policy Implications

  • The power centres have realized that protectionism backfires in the long term and hurts domestic business and the economy. Cross-border trade is above and beyond diplomatic and political issues in the new world order. Economies and currencies crumble when they seal themselves from joining hands with not just close allies but with multilateral trade partners.

  • RTAs are working on resolving common trade impediments like legal and regulatory issues. The solutions help in resolving and improving the domestic structural trade issues. Thus, each partner benefits from trade and working on core business challenges in their economy. The competitive global trade demands that partners focus on reforms to strengthen domestic investment and trade. 

  • Partners today need to ensure that regional trade goals are in line with multilateral trade goals. The regional trade agreements must evolve into multilateral trade agreements in the long run.


Regional Trade agreements open doors to new markets, bring large trade volumes and benefit domestic business and economic growth. RTAs also help create local employment and better skills due to the high quality demanded by trade partners and competition. RTAs boost exports and buffer foreign currency reserves. The incentives given under the trade agreements attract companies to bring investments and new technology to local businesses. Trade ties also enhance political ties and promote regional stability. 

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